2023, week 29
Covering July 17th–23rd
Vacation continues, but this is the final week. Tomorrow we’re back, baby!
Haven’t done too much work related things, so that’s good. Been hanging around on Teams and seeing what’s happening, but not really doing any coding. At least not professionally.
Decided to block Google after all
their nonsense, and seeing many others do similar gave me the kick I needed to
sit down and copy-paste two lines into every robots.txt
I could get my hands
The Synology is still waiting to be shipped. Should have cancelled the order and found another place to order from, but now I’ve waited so long that it’s not coming before vacation ends, so it doesn’t really matter if I wait a bit longer.
Finished season 2 of Altered Carbon, which was OK. Definitely enjoyed season 1 more, and the end felt a bit rushed, but it was fine. Nothing I’ll rewatch.
Since I was already into that universe, I watched Altered Carbon: Resleeved too. Okay self-contained short story. Weird animation.
And after that movie, I still couldn’t sleep, so ended up rewatching Collateral. Don’t really know why, but I like that movie a lot.
Stopped procrastinating, and after getting a few tips on Mastodon, I’ll be attempting to make sense of Swift and SwiftUI for a little toy iOS app I want to try. Watched a quick course to get a big picture overview and fiddled around with the sample app, as well as a deeper dive into fundamentals.
So far, I liked Swift(UI) and think it’s suited for how I do things, but I’m sure I’ll get around to hating it too. Seems to have had a lot of thought put into it in order to have it make a lot of sense and be safe by default.
Unsure if I should try to learn a bit more first, or just start hacking and see what happens. Watching some more gives me an excuse to delay, so maybe that’s what I’ll do.
I don’t post much on Mastodon, but I’m actually getting some replies when I have a problem, or wondering about something, which is a nice change. I’m used to shouting into the void. Or not shouting anywhere, just… staying quiet.
Been getting out on walks some more, which is nice. Slowly working my way up to being able to run again without hurting myself, as I usually end up doing. Going too fast, too far, too soon and then several months recovering from the inevitable injury.