2023, week 28
Covering July 10th–16th
Almost finished the first week of vacation. One to go. Figured I’d just have a short vacation this time and save some days for later. Or never.
Still very nostalgic. Re-watching, reading and playing old things seems to be a theme.
I have a very old homegrown NAS-and-everything-else monstrosity that keeps trucking along. With an AMD Athlon X2 5000+ CPU and a whopping 8 GB of RAM. It’s been with me for quite a few years now in various shapes. Started out as my main desktop, then was a media player, before a NAS, before getting a lot of extra services running, until it grew into the monstrosity it is today.
But no more!
I’ve finally gotten around to buying a small Synology instead, which can stay with me in the apartment. Haven’t arrived yet, but should be a fun little project for the rest of the vacation. Hoping to be able to retire some things, and it always feels good to have a fresh install without all the weird cruft that builds up.
Thinking I’ll try and keep things in containers/VMs so they can be easily wiped out.
The remake of Rurouni Kenshin started! I just finished watching the classic version from 1996 without realizing this had been announced. The animation looks very nice so far, and glad to see it is a bit more realistic with blood and visible damage. But the voice of Kenshin is so… wrong. Not bad, just very different from what I’m used to. And that “oro”…
And glad to see it continues the trend of absolutely terrible openings and endings. I’ll listen once, then skip them from now on.
First episode was good, with some changes here and there. Been a while since I read the manga, so unsure which anime is closest to the source. Hopefully this won’t have the extreme amount of fillers though. I’ll probably save up a lot of episodes and binge, but looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Wanted to re-watch Altered Carbon as well. Or, actually, I remember liking the first season, and that I never watched the second season. So I wanted to see the second, but needed the first as a refresher. Almost ready to start the second season now, which seems to be not very liked, so that might be fun.
Found Ron Gilbert on the Fediverse and started reading a bit there plus the blog. So found The Curse of Monkey Island on Steam and started replaying that. Going slowly and enjoying it. Fun to see how much I still remember (a lot!) and how many jokes went way over my head when I originally played it (a lot!)
Such lovely games!
Introduced the kids to Super Mario 64 on the Switch. I was allowed to play for about five minutes before they got angry and demanded I turn it off, since the graphics were all wrong and Mario and Peach did not look like that, thank you very much!
Had better luck with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which is what I actually wanted to play. They just got distracted by the familiar boxart of Mario first.
Haven’t gotten very far, since I try to let them be a part and suggest what we should try, instead of running around from memory and doing everything. Having to translate all the “conversations” live gets tiring as well.