Welp, only 5 months since last time. Neat!

I’m bad at vacations.

Started the summer vacation on Friday, and I’m bored. I have a ton of things I want to do–or at least wanted to when I wrote it down–but no motivation to actually get started.

There’s a lot of things, both small and big, I want to improve at work, but it’s not been prioritized enough to get time for it. But now I’m on vacation/staycation, so resisting going back and fixing a little here and there is hard. Even though I know it’s dumb.

Haven’t been reading too much lately. Should really fix that.

But the same problem as last time applies. I want new things, but re-reading means I know what’s coming and there’s no unexpected surprises, which is also nice. Still going great.

Don’t need a therapist to realize I’m depressed–and have been for a long time–and running away to work instead of attempting to deal with it in a reasonable way. That last part is maybe what they do help with. But getting started seems like an insurmountable obstacle that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Not just finding one, but finding one that has time. And that I can communicate with. And then there’s a lot of work that needs to happen before “being cured”.