Only four years, nine months and twelve days since the last post. Might be getting the hang of this now. But with the ongoing collapse of Twitter, seems like a good idea to get back into writing a bit every now and then.

Looking back, the First Real Post was made in the end of January 2008, so technically I’ve been blogging for close to 15 years in this incarnation. With a few gaps here and there.

  • 2008: 12 posts
  • 2009: 12 posts
  • 2012: 1 post
  • 2013: 1 “post”
  • 2015: 1 draft
  • 2017: 1 draft, 1 post
  • 2018: 1 post
  • 2022: 1 post (so far)

and nothing in 2010, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020 or 2021.

Which turns into just over 2 posts a year when averaging it all. Turns out I knew what to expect when I set up permalinks for posts to just include the year and skip months (and days).