Finished my last exam yesterday (only had two). But that means that it’s finally vacation. Don’t have a job, and haven’t been looking for one, which means that until the end of August, I’m free to do whatever I feel like.
I have lots of plans for things to do, mainly projects I’ve been delaying and delaying. First, we will finish the last revisions, and start on the special. That is something we’ve been delaying far too long now. The people are waiting! (At least someone is.)
Then I need to upgrade my router, angband
, to OpenBSD 4.3 and replace a half-working network card that’ll probably boost the performance for the poor WLAN-users in this house. Thinking about maybe using it as a WLAN access point as well, so that I can finally get rid of that shitty WLAN-thingy we use now.
Was planning to move from qmail to Postfix as well, but instead, I moved it over to Google Apps. Less work for me, and everything works great. POP and IMAP available, and I trust Google to keep things working and up a bit more than myself. So now I can actually use my mail for more serious things.